Gallery for [Zurich - First Day - 17.02.2008]

[Number of Images: 61]

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img 040.jpg
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Utoquai street.jpg
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Looks like a submarine periscope disguise.jpg
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img 043.jpg
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img 044.jpg
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img 048.jpg
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img 049.jpg
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img 050.jpg
thumbs/I offered to join them, but got rejected.jpg
I offered to join them, but got rejected.jpg
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img 052.jpg
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img 053.jpg
thumbs/Part of the chinese wonders in Zurich.jpg
Part of the chinese wonders in Zurich.jpg
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img 056.jpg
thumbs/My generous host.jpg
My generous host.jpg
thumbs/Some of these are false.jpg
Some of these are false.jpg
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img 060.jpg
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img 061.jpg
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re flection.jpg
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img 063.jpg
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